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How to Register Probux - Get Paid to Click

Probux is a free online business where we will be paid by just looking at the ad. The workings of an online business is very easy we are obliged to see the ads every day to continue to earn dollars per day. The value of each click on the ads that appear by probux ranged from $ 0.001 to $ 0, 01. It's a little to the value of advertising on PTC clicks but if we know the strategy to play in this online business then we can generate even hundreds of dollars per day gathering , namely by using our referrals. In Probux we can find referrals to invite our friends to join in probux or we can also rent referrals offered by probux.

The number of ads in each day probux
- 4 fixed ads worth $ 0.01 per click advertising
- 5 or more extra ads worth $ 0.001 per click advertising
-12 Or more daily ads ads worth $ 0.001 per click advertising

Examples of income from referrals in probux if referral only fixed just click on the ad:
Standard members:

- 10 referrals x 0.5 x 0.01 x 4 fixed ads per day = $ 2
- 100 referrals x 0.5 x 0.01 x 4 fixed ads per day = $ 20
- 1000 referrals x 0.5 x 0.01 x 4 fixed ads per day = $ 200
and so on ... very interesting not ??

How to Register Probux
  • Register here
  • Fill yourself biographical data, username, password, email etc.
  • Open your email and perdaftaran confirmation sent to your email address
  • After confirming your registration then log into your account using the username and password used before
How to get dollars in probux
  1. Once you are logged in, then you will be taken to your account dashboard
  2. Click view ads at the top, then click the 1 per 1 ad offered
  3. You can also seek referrals to invite your friends or renting referrals offered by probux
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